So this polish (Essie A-List) was in my stocking and at first I was prepared to be "meh" because if I don't wear the right red it's pretty horrific but once I put it on I was totally "WOW!"
This is a perfect red! And holy cow how red it is. It is as juicy as Snow White's apple, as Vampy as Morticia Adams and as sexy as as a Betty Page in all her pinup glory. And did I mention that I love it? Well I do...Lots!
The application was a bit "meh" though, this is four coats (and we know how I feel about more than two) and even though this flowed onto my nail as smooth as silk and the juicy, vampy, sexy goodness was there in two coats, there were also some not so any of the above bald spots that kept showing up needing another coat to cover them.
Was it worth 4 coats?
Yes, yes it was most certainly!
Would I wear it again?
You better believe it!
Now that I've showed you my awesome nails, (no false modesty here, this color really is awesome!) I have to share my little bit of news and ask for you all to cross your fingers for me.
I have a job interview come Monday. It's at a quilt shop in the sweetest little historical village turned shopping...uh...village (my favorite is the old fashioned candy store, mmmmm fudge!). The hours are very reasonable, they're closed on Sundays so I'd have time to be with my family and they're almost literally around the corner. Ok, 5 corners if you don't count pulling out of the driveway. And it involves something I love doing, so lots of good mojo sent this way please, fingers crossed and all that! If I get it, I'll have money to buy polish again(which hasn't happened in over two months) so...Pleeeeeeeease!!
Thank you all so much for reading, I love my followers and I love comments, leave me some!
Until next time, be safe and happy!