I've been working for nine days straight and am a wee bit out of it really. What made those nine days interesting was the fact that my beloved Jeep broke down. I was nigh unto inconsolable, I love and adore my baby.
With everything that has been going on in my life for the last couple of months, I almost missed OPI's Miss Universe Collection, but I'm glad I didn't. I went into my local nail supply, saw it, and promptly had to have all of them.
Aren't they just pretty! |
This collection is fairly small, just four polishes but I think it's well thought out, the colors are well suited.
It's My Year is the most unique of the four. It's a lovely rosy mauve with lots of champagne shimmer.
Oh yeah baby, bring on the blingy blingy!! Crown Me Already has three or four different sizes of silver hexes in a clear base with even more silver glitter. The amazing part is how smooth the application is, but more on that in the swatches posts.
Swimsuit...Nailed It! Probably the least unique of all of the colors in this collection but is a very pretty blue foil in it's own right. The shimmer on this is amazing.
Congeniality Is My Middle Name... This polish I can't really say much on, why? Because apparently some person decided to open it, smear it around the top and close it up again so now I can't even open it. I've seen beautiful pictures of it on other blogs though so I'll be taking it back to trade for a new, unopened bottle.
I do have one concern though.

Do you see the two different layers? That's all the shimmer that settles after sitting just a short period of time, and it settles very densely as well, so it takes a LOT of shaking to mix it up and we all know what shaking creates... BUBBLES! So, I'm rather hoping I got a bad bottle all together and that isn't the case for all of them. We shall see.
So have you tried the any of the Polishes from the Miss Universe Collection? If so, which is your favorite?
Thanks so much for reading, I'll try to get back in the groove not that my work schedule has eased up. Until next time, take care.